Harnessing Collaborative Working in the Public Sector
The publication by the Cabinet Office of the ‘Outsourcing Playbook’ and the ‘Constriction Playbook’ raises a challenge for both the public and private sectors to build more sustainable relationships which can deliver better outcomes through more collaborative public procurement initiatives in terms of social and economic value.
Collaboration is not new but whilst the term is widely used it is frequently misunderstood and thus fails to harness the full potential. The foundation of effective collaboration is that it is based on mutual benefit and supported by a clear focus on trust and commitment to the objectives of the parties. To be sustainable over time organizations need to ensure that trust is developed and maintained through both organisational and personal relationships. This will enable the parties to have confidence that each organization is focused on supporting the interests of their partner(s). It should be recognised that developing trust is an iterative process based on performance, attitudes, and the behaviours of those both directly and indirectly associated with the relationship.
In this course, participants will gain exposure to the International Standard for collaborative business relationships to provide a platform for building a systemic approach to create robust and sustainable engagements. In a collaborative venture, the initial approaches between organisations can often set the tone for the future. Throughout the engagement, the parties need to regularly assess their attitudes, behaviours and perceptions of trust between them ensuring that transparency and openness remain a constant consideration to facilitate and support effective decision making and issue resolution.
Harnessing Collaborative Working in the Public Sector is a new course from our Leadership & Management series. At the Civil Service College, we tailor our courses to each attendee’s role and organisation, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the training. Our courses and trainers are continuously updated and evaluated to ensure that we are always delivering the best service possible.
A one-day event will proactively explore the challenges which may constrain the optimisation of capabilities and resources to deliver improved outcomes whilst ensuring sound business practice and accountability:
This programme will engage participants on a relationship life cycle journey
This course is providing insight for those in the public sector charged with initiating procurement programmes, Procurement teams and contract managers and those working who will be required to work as part of integrated teams
Recognising that every programme and relationship will have its own challenges the course utilises a combination of workshop approaches and exercises built around the life cycle model which forms the structure of the International standard which has the benefit of providing a common language for both the public sector and its potential industry partners.
The aim of this course is to raise participants awareness to the benefits of a systemic approach to collaborative working which they can integrate with existing commercial approaches as appropriate.
10:00 - 16:00
Available to be delivered In-House. Contact us for a quotation.
Face to face or virtual
David has a background in projects and procurement, and has over 40 years experience working in the construction and manufacturing industries.
Read BioWith an extensive career in projects and procurement within the construction and manufacturing industries over 40 years he has been associated with the development and implementation of major projects in many parts of the world.
Providing insight into the many organisational and cultural challenges that projects and global operations can generate. An active promoter of collaborative concepts and the development of extended enterprises through the building of alliances.
He is the architect of the CRAFT programme, the technical author of the British Standards Institutions’ PAS 11000 collaborative business relationship standard, world first published in 2006 and chairman of the BSI committee that developed BS 11000, published in October 2010. He is currently Chairman of the International standards committee that that published ISO 44001 in 2017
He has been a regular contributor to professional magazines. As an established author he has several publications to his credit including
Sun Tzu and the Project Battleground: Creating Project Strategy using the Art of War published by Palgrave Macmillan 2004
The Bending Moment: Energising corporate strategy published by Palgrave Macmillan 2005.
Corporate Social Responsibility; Balancing Tomorrows sustainability with Today’s profitability published 2006 published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Raising the standard for collaboration; Published by British Standards 2013
Raising the standard for international collaboration; published by Melrose 2017
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