Terms & Conditions

Booking procedure

You can book online at www.civilservicecollege.org.uk or 0208 069 9000 and book with one of our customer service advisors.

Booking confirmation

A provisional place on the course is reserved upon receipt of your Booking Form. Course fees are payable upon booking. Delegates are confirmed on the course only once payment in full has been received.


Payment can be made through:

  • Government Procurement Card, debit/credit card (Visa or Mastercard) by completing an online booking form or by phone or post
  • Cheque payable to ‘Civil Service College Limited’
  • Payment by bank transfer or BACS – please contact our Finance Manager via ku.gro.egellocecivreslivic@avles


All Civil Service College training courses are subject to VAT at the current rate. Course fees include all relevant course materials and light refreshments. Light lunch is provided on all full day courses unless otherwise stated. Accommodation and travel to and from the course venue are the responsibility of the delegate.

Payment terms

Course booked and confirmed should be paid in full or before the course date after verifying that the invoice is valid and undisputed and includes a valid purchase order. If the delegate fails to consider and verify an invoice in a timely fashion, the invoice shall be regarded as valid and undisputed for the purpose of the above sentence after a reasonable time has passed. Failure to pay for the course before the invoice due date or no later than fourteen working days prior to the start of the course, whichever is the earliest may result in the Delegates’ place on the course being withdrawn. In addition, if a payment of an undisputed amount is not made by the delegate by the due date, then the delegate shall pay Civil Service College interest rate specified in the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

Purchase order

An authorised purchase order may be accepted in lieu of payment at the time of booking at Civil Service College’s sole discretion. Acceptance of purchase orders is subject to Civil Service College’s terms and conditions as set out here. In particular, no terms and conditions incorporated within your purchase order are treated as a variation of Civil Service College’s terms and conditions. Where a Purchase Order is accepted by Civil Service College, invoices will be sent via post/email to the name and address provided on the Booking Form. Payment must be received within fourteen days of the invoice date or no later than fourteen working days prior to the start of the course, whichever is the sooner. Payment must be made in pounds Sterling by cheque (made payable to ‘Civil Service College Limited’), debit/credit card or BACS.

Early bird discounts

Early bird discounts are available on some courses. Please contact us for further information. To take the benefit of this offer, booking and full payment must be made eight weeks before the start of the course. The discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and places are subject to availability.

Group discounts

If three or more delegates book on the same course from the same organisation, they qualify for a fifteen percent discount off the combined course fees. To take the benefit of this offer, booking and full payment must be made eight weeks before the start of the course. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and places are subject to availability.


Civil Service College will send all correspondence to the delegate primarily via email to the email address provided on the Booking Form, unless otherwise requested. It may be necessary, for reasons beyond the control of Civil Service College, to change the content and timing of the programme, the date, the venue or the trainer. In this event, Civil Service College will endeavour to inform all delegates a week before the course is due to take place, although please be aware that this is not always possible.

Special requirements

Civil Service College will make every effort to accommodate special requirements notified in advance on the Booking Form.

Joining instructions

Joining instructions including an outline Programme Schedule, venue details and map will be issued approximately three weeks prior to the course. If you have not received your joining instructions one week prior to the training course, please call us on 020 8069 9000. Civil Service College will not be held responsible for non-receipt of joining instructions and refunds will not be issued under such circumstances.

Cancelling your place

All bookings carry a cancellation liability immediately after a booking confirmation has been received by CSC. If you notify Civil Service College in writing (via letter, email or fax) 29 days or more before the start date of a course, you will not be liable for any cancellation liability. Provided the total fee has been paid, a full credit will be issue for any future training. If you withdraw for whatever reason 28 days or less, and provided full payment has been made, no refund is given. If full payment has not been made, the delegate is still liable for a cancellation liability of 100% of the course fee. Failure to attend a course is treated as late cancellation and no refund is given.

Substitute delegates

Provided the total fee has been paid, you may transfer a place on a course to a substitute delegate free of charge. Please inform us of any changes a week in advance of the course date so that we can ensure that joining instructions are sent to the correct person and delegate lists and badges are correct on the day the course starts. No more than one substitution is permitted. Failure to attend by a substitute is treated as late cancellation and no refund is given.

Course transfers

For open-courses, there is no charge for transferring your booking to the same course on an alternative date or to an alternative course offered by Civil Service College provided you notify Civil Service College in writing (via letter, email or fax) 29 days or more before the start date of the original course and if there is availability. However, a transfer fee of 50% of the course fee (plus VAT) is payable if the notice is received 28 days or less before the start of the original course.

No more than one transfer is permitted and transfer to the alternative course must be made within six months following the originally booked course. Failure to attend a transferred course is treated as late cancellation and no refund is given. Should a transferred booking be subsequently cancelled, the cancellation fees outlines above will be applied as from the original start date of the original booking.

In the case of an in-house course, if a client postpones a course 28 days or less, the client is liable to pay 50% of the course fee.

Cancellation by Civil Service College

In extreme circumstances, it may be necessary for Civil Service College to alter published programmes, trainers or venues without prior notice, but we will endeavour to inform you as soon as possible in any such instance. Civil Service College cancellations will only take place under extenuating circumstances. In these rare instances, you will be offered a place on the same course on another date. If we cannot offer you an alternative option, we will provide a full refund of the course fees. Civil Service College shall not accept liability for any consequential loss and shall have no liability to reimburse any other costs that may have been incurred, including transport costs, accommodation etc.

Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights, including copyright, patents, design rights and know-how in or relating to the course or course materials provided, or made available in connection with the course, remain the sole property of Civil Service College or its licensors and no copies of course materials may be made unless expressly agreed in writing by Civil Service College.

Force majeure

Civil Service College shall not be liable to refund of fees or for any other penalty should courses be cancelled due to war, fire, strike lock-out, industrial action, tempest, accident, civil disturbance or any other cause whatsoever beyond their control.

Privacy and data protection

If you have given us your consent, from time to time, we may send you our latest updates on the availability of programmes, courses and events offered by Civil Service College and information about how you may like to participate in them. We may contact you by direct mail, email and mobile phone by using your personal data registered with us at the time of your booking or enquiry. As always, we abide by the law to protect your privacy. Your personal data will only be used for processing marketing materials from Civil Service College if you have given your consent. Civil Service College does not sell, trade or rent any personal information to others. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please let us know by email to enquiries@civilservicecollege.org.uk or by post to Civil Service College Limited, 25 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9BU.

Civil Service College may from time to time wish to take photographs or videos during the training course for news updates of other related marketing purposes and these may be reproduced in future materials. We will always seek your consent beforehand.

Governing law

These Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be a contract made in England and shall be construed and applied in all respects in accordance with English law and the parties hereto submit and agree to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding your booking(s), please call us on 020 8069 9000 or email ku.gro.egellocecivreslivic@seiriuqne.

New Course

The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.

Presenting Data Effectively with Alan Rutter


Civil Service College's webinar series returns for September, as Alan Rutter shares his tips for communicating data persuasively

Tailored in-house training

Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

Training Alerts

For more information on how we protect and store your submitted data, please see visit our privacy policy.