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IfG: Whitehall restructures must be more focused

Monday 9 March 2015

Institute for Government urges greater focus on collaboration and long-term planning.

Leadership for the long term: Whitehall’s capacity to address future challenge

Monday 9 March 2015

In a major new report on Government's capacity to plan for and adapt to future challenges and crises published today, Monday 9 March 2015...

Civil servants should take more ownership of policy – Casey

Friday 6 March 2015

Whitehall should be prepared to take responsibility for delivering programmes, says Troubled Families chief Louise Casey.

US army chief's warning on UK defence spend

Monday 2 March 2015

The head of the US army has said he is "very concerned" about the UK's ability to meet its Nato defence spending commitments.

Departmentalism doesn’t make sense for digital

Thursday 26 February 2015

Government Digital Services director Mike Bracken predicts shakeup for Whitehall structures as a result of digital service delivery.

Civil servants told to be more “social media savvy”

Thursday 26 February 2015

Civil servants have been told to use more social media as part of a Cabinet Office drive to improve Whitehall's digital skills.

Civil servants should be trained in design – MPs

Monday 23 February 2015

Design should be a "central pillar of government policy" and civil servants should receive basic design training, a cross-party group of MPs...

Northamptonshire County Council outsources services and redeploys staff

Thursday 19 February 2015

Plans to outsource all services and make cuts of £68m have been approved by Northamptonshire County Council.

Complaints from small firms trigger inquiry into Capita deal

Thursday 19 February 2015

The National Audit Office is reviewing the £250m contract awarded to Capita in 2012.

Building and Leading Authentic Organisations Seminar

Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Civil Service College is running short, complementary seminars on Building and Leading Authentic Organisations.

Training Catalogue

Complete Training Catalogue
Jan - Dec 2024

New Course

The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.

Tailored in-house training

Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

Training Alerts

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