Managing Public Money

Anyone (irrespective of seniority) who has responsibility for the stewards of public funds in the central government sector needs to be fully acquainted with the principles and rules laid down in this key guidance document.

This course is for Arm’s Length Bodies, but can you be tailored to suit all organisations. For non-executive ALB board members, this programme can be delivered in 2 to 2 ½ hours. For members of the finance team, the programme would typically be delivered over a 6-hour period

This programme is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the key requirements of HM Treasury’s guidance on the stewardship of public funds. The course will cover the following key elements:

  • The role of the Treasury Officer of Accounts;
  • Dear Accounting Officer letters with examples of recently issued guidance;
  • The requirement to operate under delegated authority from HM Treasury/ sponsor department
  • For ALBs: the significance of the framework document
  • The role of the Principal and/or ALB Accounting Officer
  • Regularity (including examples of qualified accounts)
  • Whistleblowing procedures
  • Propriety, including reference to: the avoidance of waste and extravagance; acceptance of gifts and hospitality; registering and management of conflicts of interest;
  • Novel contentious and repercussive expenditure;
  • Value for money and feasibility;
  • The governance statement;
  • The respective roles of the National Audit Office and the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts;

At the Civil Service College, we tailor our courses to each attendee’s role and organisations, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the training. Our courses and trainers are continuously updated and evaluated to ensure that we are always delivering the best service possible.

Key Training Features

Who Can Attend

Learning Outcomes

Key Training Features:

  • This programme involves not only a detailed explanation of the principles and rules contained in Managing Public Money, but also number of practical exercises in which attendees are invited to discuss the appropriate action to be taken in decision making scenarios where the application of judgement is required.
  • The programme also features examples of failure to comply with the requirements of Managing Public Money in both government departments and the ALB sector, incorporating video extracts from the Public Accounts Committee to illustrate the consequences of a failure to comply with the requirements for the stewardship of public funds.

Who Can Attend:

This programme is suitable for those working in government departments, arm’s length bodies, and other entities such as public corporations who may also be required to comply with Managing Public Money guidance. The programme is suitable for ALB non-executive board members (for whom an overview of the key elements will be provided) budget holders and senior managers (half-day programme) and members of the finance team (for whom a more detailed programme will be delivered).

Learning Outcomes:

  • A comprehensive appreciation of the principles and specific rules contained in Managing Public Money;
  • An appreciation of the particular characteristics of public funds and why particular care is required when managing such resources;
  • An understanding of the significance of meeting the requirements of Parliament when managing public funds;
  • A reminder of the importance of perceptions when judging the most appropriate course of action;
  • An understanding of the need to operate with integrity, openness and accountability;
  • An appreciation of the position of the Accounting Officer, and their personal responsibility for all aspects of good governance and financial management
  • Increased awareness of the external scrutiny that applies to public funds in central government



10:00 - 16:00


Available to be delivered In-House. Contact us for a quotation.


Face to Face or Virtual

In-House Option

This course is available In-House and can be tailored to meet your individual training requirements.


Lead Trainer

Brian Whalley OBE

Brian Whalley OBE

Brian has over 10 years of experience in training senior management and board members on accountability, governance and financial management.

Read Bio
Brian Whalley OBE

Brian Whalley OBE

Brian regularly provides induction and board development programmes for non-executive board members of government departments, executive agencies, Non-departmental Public Bodies, NHS bodies and public corporations. He has run programmes for over 100 Non-Departmental Public Bodies, and other Arm's Length Bodies, and is experienced in working in all UK jurisdictions.

Brian has written guidance material on numerous governance topics such as the management of conflicts of interest, as well as a guide to working in central government for newly appointed non-executive board members of government departments.

On an international level, Brian has delivered programmes on accountability, governance and financial management in Macedonia, Abu Dhabi, Russia, Hungary, Poland and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Brian is a qualified management accountant (ACMA), has a teaching qualification, and holds an MA in Management Learning.


‘A Guide to Propriety for RDA Board Members’, Department of Trade and Industry

‘Working in Government: A Guide for Non-executive Board Members of Government Departments’, Cabinet Office


  • Qualified management accountant (ACMA)
  • Holds a teaching qualification
  • MA in Management Learning, University of Lancaster 
Tailored in-house training

Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

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