mastering public presentation and speech writing

Mastering the Art of Public Presentation: Why It’s Important

Public speaking has always been one of those critical life skills that people underestimate. It’s an everyday skill that is used to convey messages, inspire others, and persuade the public. But no matter how extroverted a person might be, they still hate the idea of standing in front of their peers and speaking.

You might think you need to be born with natural charisma to excel at public presentation - au contraire. With practice, anyone can sound like an expert, with the power to hold an audience who listen and believe in your every word.

90% of people avoid giving speeches. Be the 10% of people who will and show that you are confident in yourself and in what you are saying, and others will be confident in you too.

Making a difference

At the heart of the public sector and civil service, there is a focus on inspiring and educating individuals and communities. Speech is powerful and can benefit your work and day to day life.

It’s an attractive quality to employers, who value oral communication as a critical skill. When it comes time to fill a new position, they might look to the person who isn’t afraid to speak in front of an audience.

Not only is it a boost to your confidence, but also helps build up your leadership potential. Those who lead need to be inspiring and able to rally a group. Just look at famous examples throughout history, like Martin Luther King Jr.

In the public sector, where you are likely to interact with countless others, having the self-confidence to approach new people with ease is going to make your life easier.

The write stuff

The art to good public speaking is a good speech. If you want to inspire, you need the right words to inspire. If you want to inform, you need the facts to inform. It’s that simple.

At one point or another, you will need to speak in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, whether it’s to 5 people or 500.

Your speech is only as good as your writing, so if you have a presentation coming up prepare. The secret to engaging an audience is to write concisely.

Short sentences, to the point, will hold the audience’s attention. Long-winded sentences, with too many big words, will only detract from your point. Make sure what you’re saying is relevant and succinct - people respond better to facts and concrete ideas.

A powerful message only comes from preparation. You already have one of your most useful tools - your voice. Don’t let it go to waste.


At the Civil Service College, we understand how integral public presentation is. We strive to help people develop their public speaking and speechwriting skills. We offer several courses to help you in your role, including professional development and in-house training. Contact us today on 02080 699 000 to find out how we can help you.


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