Storytelling for Leadership Seminar

The Civil Service College is running short, complementary seminars on different subject areas based on some of our programmes.

Our second session is on Tuesday 24 March on the topic of Storytelling for Leadership.

Storytelling can help leaders achieve some of their key responsibilities such as: communicating their message and creating a shared vision that will inspire, unite, motivate, and build relationships while still enhancing performance. By using storytelling techniques leaders are able to tell their stories in an authentic, powerful and engaging manner. It's approach that has deliverance in the best companies and public bodies.

This seminar is a taster session based on our programmes Organisational Storytelling - Creating a Compelling Shared Vision and Reading Between the Lines.

It will explore: 

  • How to create a compelling personal story for why people should follow you
  • How to use the framework of story as a listening tool, to interpret what others are really saying and use this information to manage relationships better.

**Note this event is fully booked. Contact us for more information or to find out about future seminars.

Training Catalogue

Complete Training Catalogue
Jan - Dec 2024

New Course

Dan has created this training programme to help empower you with practical strategies for creating connections with others, redefining masculinity, developing daily habits to maintain mental health

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