Commonwealth judges and magistrates at the Crown Court

Commonwealth judges and magistrates at the Crown Court

Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges train at CSC

This July, Civil Service College collaborated with the Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (CMJA) to host a four-day training programme on Judicial Case Management and Ethics. The first of its kind between both organisations. A delightful group comprising of magistrates, judges and registrars from commonwealth countries including Kenya, Mauritius, Cayman Islands and Canada travelled to London to take part.  

Throughout the week, a wealth of knowledge and experience were shared between the participants and tutor judges.  Interactive aspects of the course included a combination of classroom learning, open-discussion sessions and field visits to various courts. This was designed to help participants gain in-depth insight to the judicial hierarchy of UK courts and case management.

The week started off in our training suite with judge Keith Hollis’s session on the Scope of Application & Principles of Judicial Ethics; Civil Case Management in Practices and Management of trial preparation and presentation. The evening ended with dinner at the House of Lords, hosted by the Rt. Hon. Lord Peter Hain.

On the second day, participants received a guided tour of the Royal Court of Justice and gained access to the Central London County Court. We met Judge Margaret Langley who offered an insight into court proceedings throughout the day which included a judge’s summary in a civil case between a plaintiff and the Metropolitan police. The following day, Judge Robert Zara accompanied us on a visit to the Westminster Magistrates’ Court. We had the honour of Chief Magistrate of England and Wales, Senior District Judge Emma Arbuthnot as our host. We were made to feel at home and took part in an informal discussion. To follow, we witnessed an extradition case and lay magistrates in action in a separate court room. The participants were particularly interested in observing the way the lay magistrates applied their skills to a series of cases. The participants were struck by their level of professionalism.

On the final day, the group took part in a Judgement writing exercise led by Hon. Christopher Gardner QC.  The closing ceremony was held at the Supreme Court where participants were presented certificates by Karen Brewer, the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association. 

“The coordinators did excellent work in presenting this course. The tutors delivered on all expectations above average level.”

Judicial Officer Regional, Association of Regional Magistrates of South Africa

“I am more than satisfied and overwhelmed by the quality, expertise and wealth of knowledge and experience acquired in this course… The masterly and expert organisation of CSC especially Ade who has been charming and so helpful throughout should be commended. A warm collegiality has developed between all participants and has helped to bring us close in our work.”

Senior District Magistrate, Judiciary, Mauritius

New Course

The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.

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